Alive Hospital & Trauma Centre


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Alive Hospital & Trauma Centre, Chitwan, Nepal

Alive Hospital and trauma centre (AHTC) is the first functioning trauma centre established in Nepal.

AHTC is established by young dynamic doctors with an idea to help the needy people who bleed to death on the roads.

AHTC is basically a 50 bedded hospital, located at Bharatpur height, aimed at trauma and physical disabilities.

Health facilities in Nepal are very few and most of them are located in the Kathmandu valley.

The leading cause of death in Nepal are infectious disease like cholera, dairrhoea, influenza ,encephalitis and malaria ,but combining different types of accidents, it account for the number one cause of death in Nepal.

There are about 40,800 people living with physical disabilities and about 7800 people with multiple physical disabilities in Nepal.

On an average there is only a single doctor for 18,500 people and there is only a single hospital for 2,300 people in Nepal.

Alive Hospital & Trauma Centre, Chitwan, Nepal

